Verse of the Day

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Have you ever wondered?

So many weird thoughts come to my mind through out the day. The other day I got a shirt. The shirt said 100% cotton. Knowing that 100% cotton means that in water, especially warm water, cotton tends to shrinks it lead me to ask a question. If cotton shrinks in water, and cotton is really just sheeps wool, then why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Hmmmmm!


Anonymous said...


The answer that comes to my mind is that sheep's wool (when it is on the sheep) is part of it's body in the form of hair. It is so spread out that it can not shrink. When farmers shear the sheep of their wool, it (the wool) dies and is not spread out as much and is able to shrink.


PS. If wool did shrink on the sheep's body, and since the wool is the sheep's hair, then why doesn't our hair shrink when we get it wet.

Anonymous said...

Stop! Wait a minute! Let's back up here. You said that your shirt was cotton, right? Then you said that cotton comes from sheep's wool? Huh?! Did I miss something? The last time I checked, we get wool from sheep, not cotton. We get cotton from a cotton plant. Hello!